
Boy Pick-Up The Movie

The film centers on Boy Pick Up, the legendary champion of the Pikapista undergound battles; lives a solitary life with his pet goldfish. Ironically, his love life is zero but he soon meets the love of his life when he applies as a pastry chef and sees Angel.
Angel (Heussaff) on the other hand, is the owner of Heaven’s Bakeshop who invested all her money to manage the bakeshop only to find out she’s going to be dumped by the man she loves and worse, leave her almost bankrupt.

GABBS aka Bagwis, is the main villain of the story. He’s also a Pikapista who is set to marry the love of his life; but the woman leaves him at the altar on the day of their wedding because of something Boy said. Gabbs attempts to kill himself but is rescued by a mysterious man who transforms him into Bagwis and uses him as the ultimate villain to destroy Boy Pick-up.



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